Children Of Blood & Bone: Is It Worth Reading?

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They are talking this book up a lot. I mean, I can’t go anywhere without seeing the author, an interview, or the book. I mean I saw a saleswoman in the store the other day with hair dyed the color of the magical characters in this book.

Whenever ANYTHING gets this much press, I tend to feel that it’s unjustified and I’m bound to be disappointed. Perhaps you get that feeling at times too. (We’ve been burned by the hype of the crowd before.)

So, the question is: Is it worth the hype?

I could tell you but, I’m pretty sure you’re going to have to decide for yourself. The problem is getting your hands on this book for free or cheap is more than a little difficult. I originally made the mistake of trying to get on the waiting list at the library for this book.

#147 and counting…

So instead I decided that it was worth an audible credit to listen to the book in its audio format. I’m so glad I did.

The tale told in the voice of:  acclaimed reader Bahni Turpin, whose past work includes The Hate U Give The Help and Dread Nation. Her voice gave me the ‘feels.’ It’s been a long time since a book has had me so addicted that I started taking my dog for extra walks just to get to the end of the story. Seriously considering getting all the stories she’s read.

This is not a young adult story with a bunch of teenage angst. This story is a fantastical story filled with the echoes of Africa in its roots and the slap of the modern day feelings of injustice. If you were thinking about skipping the Author’s Note, as one does when they feel they don’t have time to read all the thank yous to people who mean nothing to you or the story, I urge you to reconsider.

The themes in this book read as a bit heavy-handed after reading the Author’s Note so save it for the end. I’m glad I hadn’t made the connection right away, only because it would have pulled me out of the story.

Without giving too much away, I was left confused by the very last line. I had to re-read it, but I think it’s designed to keep the reader guessing a little bit on purpose. I’m certainly intrigued to read the next book in this series.

The relevance of this story in our modern day is not lost on this reader and I hope it won’t be lost on you.

Don’t ignore this book because of its popularity. Check it out for yourself! Have you already read it? Please comment below I’d love to hear what you think, just remember the one rule: NO SPOILERS PLEASE!

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