September 18~ Will you hide a book?

Riders & Flyers!

There’s an interesting something happening on Monday, September 18th that you might be interested in participating in.

This is the ten year anniversary of Goodread’s Hide a Book Day. Want to get involved with over 5,000 participants in over 100 countries?

Select A Book

Take one from your own bookshelf or get one specifically for the event.

Order Your Book Fairy Stickers

Goodreads and Book Fairies got together and designed some stickers to put on the covers of each of your hidden books. If you’re not in England we suggest you hurry or you won’t have them in time.

Another idea is to put a post-it note in your book or homemade bookmark sharing the event.

Find A Hiding Spot

Remember the weather when choosing a hiding place. Especially if you’re putting your book outside. Make sure the book is hidden but not invisible. Some ideas for hiding spots are trains, planes, and bus terminals. Don’t forget restaurants, museums, and parks are good spots too.

Share Your Books

When you’ve found the perfect spot take a picture and share it on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtags #goodreadsturns10, #hideabookday, #ibelieveinbookfairies. We’d love it if you’d share it in the comments below too.

Read more here: Hide a book with Goodreads

So what we’re wondering is what book will you leave for other readers to find on September 18?

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